Monday, October 14, 2013

Chinese Tablets in Egypt with reasonable price and good quality, best chinese tablet in Egypt

افضل انواع التابلت الصينينة الموجودة في الاسواق

 نتكلم اليوم حول افضل انواع التابلت الصينينة الموجودة في الاسواق والتي يمكنك الوثوق بها دون اي مشاكل نسبة لثقة المستخدمين الذين سبقوك بشراءها. و توفر وكيل محلى فى مصر يدعم المنتج بقطع الغيار و الصيانة. 
كبداية .. بالطبع نحن نعلم انه عندما نتحدث عن تابلت صيني فهو بالطبع اقل في الجودة من انواع التابلت الاخري مثل
Samsung و Sony و HP و Apple وغيرها من انواع ..
 ربما تكون المواصفات مشابهة ,, ولكن الجودة مختلفة لاشك .
وهنا سنقدم لكم افضل جودة يمكنكم الحصول عليها في الأنواع الصينية

أفضل انواع التابلت الصيني :

1- Huawei

الشركة الصينية الرائعة هواوي هي من افضل الشركات في مجال الهواتف الذكية وبعد صدور نظام الاندرويد اصبح المجال اكثر سهولة بالنسبة للشركة بعد الحصول علي نظام تشغيل رائع ومفتوح المصدر ومجاني
ايضاً مما ساهم في ابداع شركة هواوي في انتاج هواتف وتابلت رائعة وتنافس الفئات العليا من الهواتف والشركات الاخري مثل سامسونج وسوني وغيرها … بأسعار مناسبة جداً للمستخدم وللفئة المتوسطة .

Huawei MediaPad 7

التابلت الرائع الذي يأتي من Huawei بسعر 1899 جنيه مصري والذي يتميز بمعالج Cortex A8 1.‎2GHz ويعمل بنظام android 4 وقابل للترقية بالطبع
امكانيتة مواصافات الامكانيات
الشاشة 7 بوصه راقيه جدا وتقدم اداء رائع بالالوان بدقة 1024 × 600 بتقنية ips ويدعم عرض 1080p _ HD يدعم خاصية اللمس المتعدد multi-touch .
المعالج Cortex A8 1.‎2GHz
الكاميرا 1 كاميرا خلفيه بدقة 3.‎2 ميجا بكسل واماميه بدقة 0.3 ميجا بكسل
الرام 1 جيجا بايت
ذاكرة التخزين مساحة تخزين داخليه 8 جيجا بايت ويدعم زيادة المساحه حتى 32 جيجا بايت عن طريق كرت microSD
بطارية Standard battery, Li-Po 4100 mAh . تعمل لمدة 6 ساعات في وضع الاستعداد و3 ساعات و22 دقيقه في وضع العمل
السعر 1,899 EGP جنيه مصري
1,150 ريال سعودي تقريبا

مواصفات التابلت Huawei MediaPad 7

ولمعرفة باقي اجهزة huawei الذكية المتاحة يمكنكم زيارة موقع هواوي الرسمي :

Huawei Products

X touch

شركة اخري رائعة تقوم بإنتاج اجهزة التابلت رخيصة الثمن وفي نفس الوقت عالية الجودة والامكانيات …

الشركة مضمونة بشكل كبير بين المستخدمين حيث لاقت اجهزتها اقبال كبير بسبب توافق الاسعار مع متطلبات الفئة الوسطي من المستخدمين ..

X-Touch X714

التابلت مواصفاته موضحة في الاعلي … بجانب المعالج القوي والمساحة التخزينية الجيدة ,, يوجد بطارية 3000mAH رائعة لتدوم وقت جيد لديك ..

سعر التابلت في السوق المصري حوالي 900 جنيه مصري فقط .
X-Touch X716

امكانيتة مواصافات الامكانيات
الشاشة التابلت يتميز بشاشة 9.7 رائعة وكبيرة الحجم لمحبي التابلت ذو الشاشة الكبيرة
المعالج ARM Cortex-A8 FRQ 1.2GHZ
الرام 1Gb DDR3
ذاكرة التخزين 16GB Nand Flash Memory+ MicroSD
بطارية 7600mAh
السعر التابلت في السوق المصري حوالي 1600 جنيه مصري فقط لاغير

مواصفات التابلت X-Touch X716

X-Touch X808

مواصفات التابلت موضحة بالأعلي .. بجانب الشاشة المتوسطة 8 إنش ,, يوجد معالج قوي وبطارية تعمل بقوة 3000mAH ..
سعر الجهاز في السوق المصري حوالي 1200 جنيه مصري فقط لاغير …
ولمعرفة اكثر عن انواع X-Touch Tablet المتوفرة يمكنك زيارة الموقع الرسمي :

X-Touch Tablets


3- Ainol Novo

هي اخر الشركات التي يمكنني الوثوق بها من حيث الجودة في إنتاج اجهزة التابلت رخيصة ومتوسطة الثمن …

حقيقة لم اجرب تلك الشركة ولكن كثير من المستخدمين والمنتديات الاجنبية قبل العربية يشكرون في منتجات تلك الشركة من حيث الدعم المستمر لها ومن حيث الجودة المناسبة للسعر وغيرها …

لذلك سأقدم لكم افضل وارخص 3 أصدارات لتابلت شركة Ainol Novo ..

Ainol Novo 7 Legend

امكانيتة مواصافات الامكانيات
الشاشة 7 إنش
المعالج Box chip Multi-core A13
الرام 512MB DDR3
ذاكرة التخزين 8GB+ MicroSD
بطارية 3000mAH
السعر التابلت في السوق المصري حوالي 950 جنيه مصري فقط لاغير

مواصفات التابلت Ainol Novo 7 Legend

Ainol NOVO 7 Crystal

امكانيتة مواصافات الامكانيات

الشاشة 7 إنش بدقة عالية 600*1024/td>
المعالج Box chip Multi-core A13
الرام 1GB DDR3
ذاكرة التخزين 8GB+ MicroSD
بطارية 3700mAH
السعر التابلت في السوق المصري حوالي 16000 جنيه مصري فقط لاغير

مواصفات التابلت Ainol NOVO 7 Crystal

Ainol Novo 10 Hero II

امكانيتة مواصافات الامكانيات
المعالج Quad Core ATM7029
الرام 1GB DDR3
ذاكرة التخزين 16GB+ MicroSD
بطارية 8000mAH
السعر التابلت في السوق المصري حوالي 19000 جنيه مصري فقط لاغير

مواصفات التابلت Ainol Novo 10 Hero II

وللتعرف علي باقي منتجات Ainol Novo يمكنكم زيارة الموقع الرسمي :

Ainol Novo Products

تلك كانت افضل 3 شركات تقوم بإنتاج التابلت الصيني يمكنك التعامل معها والوثوق في منتجاتها بشدة والتي تتميز عن الشركات الصينية الغير معروفة ( والتي لا مفر من وجود عيوب رهيبة بالصناعة لديها مثل تلف الشاشة وغيرها من عيوب ) بالجودة والدعم المستمر والحصول علي تحديثات عديدة ..

Chinese Tablets in Egypt with reasonable price and good quality

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Reality Behind The Military coup In Egypt 30th of June 2013

The Situation In Egypt Becomes more and more Bad for the Islamists Especially after the last Coup lead by the Army's leader Abdelfattah Elsisi.

Actually many are considering that the Coup is biasing to the Egyption People. but the truth is that the army has chosen one side and totally neglected the other side, the other side which is millions of people who agreed with the requests of the Protesters, but they needed it to be executed some way that doesn't attack their votes. They were expected from the army to come to an agreement with the opposition or even put pressure on them to accept a constitutional solution and is compatible with the law and the Constitution to reach the same goals. But unfortunately, ElSISI has shosen  to be biased to a side at the expense of the other. And ignored saw millions of supporters of legitimacy and who do not have the mind of Mohamed Morsi stepped down but in a democratic and constitutional way that keeps their rights in their voices which they Gave him in the elections.

Could have been the army pressed on the opposition in order to accept a referendum on the survival of Morsy with Parliament elections
But he did not. and preferred to force him to step down and forcibly get him away. Leaving behind millions supporters who will extend the period of instability that prevailed in Egypt. And will continue to live in the streets to express their rejection of the coup against the constitution.

And also deed Army this will provoke a lot to the escalation in the use of peaceful means to oppose as is customary when you are not listening to the wishes of the people in the street

And perhaps praying to civil disobedience. And all this was going to be indispensable if you just put in mind that there are millions of deserve to hear them and represent them in decisions yesterday.

Now therefore the Egyptian army after the army was all Egyptians. Engaged in the process of a political coup vile and biased in favor of a party of the people without the other. leaded himself to the anti-faction of a party of the Egyptian people that is not a little.

From Day One of the President Morsi's Rule in Egypt, he was attacked with unreasonable Methods from the Liberal Media.
Even before his rule, after the first stage of the Elections, they requested from him to step away and leave Hamdin Sabbahy go instead of him in the second and final stage of the elections.
This Introduction will give you an Image of the history that lead Egypt to 30/6/2013 demonstrations.

Dr Mohamed Elbaradei and his allies, proved that they don't have any of the ethics or principles that they always stated they have and believe in.

ElBaradei and them do not have the Democracy or freedom principles and they also have no honor.
even more than the muslim brotherhood.

Turning on democracy when they want to .. And have turned on the first elected president and ignored the millions of supporters. and millions of people who wanted to defend their Votes.

And practicing exclusion when they want to .. And they already have excluded from their accounts and their negotiations representatives of millions of frightened and naysayers legitimacy for the assassination of their voices and Votes that they have given to the president.

And turning on the legitimacy of the constitution and the law when they wanted to .. so they has rejected all the constitutional and legal vents that could lead to their goals, and they chose the path chaotic that will make the gap between the the demonstrators and the allies Even wider.

And turning freedoms When they wanted to .. And had agreed to muzzle the Islamic media to repression .. And even agreed to detention without charge or with charges that they were filling the floor screaming as unfair charges unconstitutional and against freedom .. And even agreed to arrest the leaders of their opponents without charge.

And turning on the sanctity of blood when they wanted to .. We did not hear them protest at the shed blood of legitimacy supporters who defend their opinions and voices. And worse, they were killed by the police and the army in order to suppress their opinion after the broadcast of the coup.

And they allowed mixing Religions in politics with pleasure .. ElBaradei has accepted that the representatives of the Egyptian people in the coup are the largest two Denetin authorities which also used to claim not to enter the political arena.

And in favor of military rule when they want .. They received back the transitional phase again and accepted the handover of power to the army from behind the honorary president that nobody knows neither obey.

And turning on the honor of media policy when they wanted to .. And has accepted the closure of the Islamic channels and the imprisonment of its staff. just after the Coup Without even approaching from one channel from the other direction.

And all this has happened with distinction in the recent coup.
And under the eyes and ears of the media and of the people. And the lives of those who are calling.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lenovo Z580 First Impression and Some hidden Advantages. "Egypt"

Hi Guys.

If you want a mid budget laptop for Games, Internet surfing, Desktop replacement, some non advanced graphics or Design works. and all of that with an OEM Windows 7 or Windows 8.
Good Looking with decent Speakers and more than sufficient storage.

then I am sure you have seen and may be considered the Lenovo Z580

The Laptop is Very Good for mid budget Gamers with Nvidia Geforce 630m with 2Gb dedicated DDR3 Memory which is supposed to play most of the recent games with accepted frame rates.
you can find it playing Battlefield on youtube with good performance.
It has an Intel i5 processor 3rd generation with 3m Cash, and 4G of RAM.
1TB Hard Disk.

a multi touch smart and Big Touch pad which is very comfortable for your hands and scrolling.
The Dolby sound system has a software equalizer with very good control and performance.

the speakers are good but seems not to be really high but you will not feel that when you use the Dolby sound SW, it will raise the volume.

it comes also with a good SW from lenovo which helps you keep your battery life high.
that has an option to keep the battery on 60% only while you are connecting your charger.
so you will keep the laptop running on the DC charger while not worrying about the battery life or removing it from the laptop.

the screen isn't great, but is very acceptable for games and movies with sufficient brightness.
in my opinion this laptop is a good value for money, it is made of decent materials and Good components.

the Laptop Keyboard is also good for typing and comfortable with numerical keypad.

it comes in 3 colors, by the way, the heat and noise are very accepted if you are putting it in a well ventilated place. and not covering the ventilation openings
in a conclusion it is a very good laptop and very good value for money
you can buy it from Egypt for 4200 LE without Windows, for 4400 LE with windows 7, you can add another 300LE and get it with extra 2Gb of RAM and Windows 8.

Monday, May 27, 2013

How to keep your Laptop Battery safe? improve the life time of your laptop battery

Hi all.

A very common question is asked by the laptop owners.
How do I save my laptop battery's lifetime.

actually the answer is not so simple as it depends on some variables like:
when have you purchased your laptop?
what is the technology used in your battery cells?
how much time you use your machine daily and if the most of that is on battery?

actually I am not going to talk deeply inside this technical approach.
but I will give you the simplest way to keep your laptop's battery safe.

Li-Ion laptop battery lifespan is approximately 1,000 charge cycles, or 2-4 years under normal operating conditions.
Keeping the battery in a cool place can prolong its life but not in a period of extended storage. The Li-ion battery should be stored at 40 percent rather than full-charge state.

1- Never Leave your laptop connected to the charger while it is OFF.
2- Remove the battery from the laptop if you are using it as a desktop replacement.
3- always perform one full charge and discharge for the battery every 2 weeks.
4- try to not leave the battery to a lower level. charge it back once it goes under 30%
5- the most important care is "don't over charge the battery" if it is full, remove the charger or remove the battery.
6- One exception: if you have a new laptop , then it should have some SW that organize the battery charging. so when it gets full, it will disconnect the power from it. but remember that this require the laptop to be ON not in sleep or shutdown states.
7- store the battery at a 40 percent charge level. Never fully charge or discharge the battery before storage.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Convert Word Files into PDF with the most simple and free Word to PDF converter

Hi Guys
We all have our documents that needs to be in a professional format that is non editable.
Your CV for example will look more professional if you saved it as PDF
many other Books or papers are published as PDFs for copy rights protection
So You will love to try this small tool that adds an option in your microsoft word to save the document as PDF.
Just install it and you will find another option called (save as PDF) in the file menu of office 2007
or you will selecy PDF in the save as dialog box of office 2010 as shown in picture


Monday, April 29, 2013

Remove the annoying Page separator Line from Microsoft Office Word

There is a line in my document that I can't delete because I can't select it. How did it get there, and what can I do about it?
do you feel that ?

It is very annoying that line separator.
but also easy to remove when you read the following steps:

To remove this “line,” select the paragraph above it and remove all the borders from it as follows:

In Word 2003 and earlier, go to the Format | Borders and Shading dialog, and click the preset picture for “None.” Alternatively, click the down arrow beside the Borders button on the Formatting or Tables and Borders tool bar and choose the last (No Border) option in the palette.

In Word 2007, on the Home tab, locate the Paragraph group. The bottom right button is the Borders button; click the arrow beside it and select No Border.

In any version, you can simply click in the offending paragraph and press Ctrl+Q, which resets the paragraph formatting to the default for the style (which doesn't include borders). This, however, will remove any other direct paragraph formatting as well as the border.

Note: If you've pressed Enter several times trying to get rid of the line, you will merely have applied the border formatting to all the paragraphs you added, as well as to the original one. This won't be obvious, because when several consecutive paragraphs have the same “Bottom Border” formatting applied to them, the border only appears below the last of them (Word takes “bottom” literally). So If you then remove the border formatting from the paragraph that has the line below it, the line will move up one paragraph. The trick is to select all the affected paragraphs and either press Ctrl+Q or choose No Border.

To prevent this from happening again, you need to disable “Automatic borders.”

In Word 2003 and earlier, go to Tools | Auto Correct Options | Auto Format As You Type and clear the check box for “Borders” or “Border lines” under “Apply as you type.”

In Word 2007, Office Button | Word Options | Proofing | Auto Correct Options | Auto Format As You Type and clear the check box for “Border lines” under “Apply as you type.”

It is a good idea to turn off most of the options on the “Auto Format” and “Auto Format As You Type” tabs of Auto Correct Options. For more details, see

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Solve the LapTop fan high noise problem. Solved !!

Hi Guys
Are you an HP Pavilion Owner?? or any other LapTop models that is considered as "noisy" machines??
when you buy a new laptop, you will pay attention to all the technical specs and may be the good looking.
but very few of us will care about the fan noise.
you will be happy with your laptop and stand the noise for the first weeks, may be a couple of months, but after that you will give up and say :
"I am Loosing my temper because the fan is very noisy and always ON".

Here is the solution for you.
It is easy and simple, but effective.

Follow the following steps:

1- open control panel and select "Hardware and Sound"
2- select "Power Options"
3- you will see all your power plans listed, the currently used plan is marked with a radio button to the left.
4- for your currently used plan select "change plan settings"
5- Down you will see "Change Advanced plan settings"

6- slip the bar till you find "processor power management" and expand that
7- select "System cooling policy" and expand it
8- you will find 2 cases to change: one is On battery, one is Plugged in
if you need to reduce the fan speed and noise, select the both options as PASSIVE
that will make the computer depends on the outside environment for cooling more than the fan.
that shall be not dangerous as the laptop is designed to auto shutdown if the temperature exceeded a critical limit
but you have to do that on your personal risk and responsibility :)

Are you Facing Slow Performance of your Windows 7, Try this out: Sloution to improve Windows 7 performance Speed

Hi Guys,

Today I m Going to Offer you a new solution for improving your LapTop, PC that runs WIN-7.
Some times you find that the Operating System is too slow, and you are not ready to restart.
or it is always slow and you are still out of hardware upgrading budget.

Try this out, It will improve the performance with a good percentage:

1- Open Control Panel From Start Menu
2- Select "System and Security"
3- Select "System"
4- at the left hand panel, click on "Advanced System Settings"
5- a new window will show up, select "Advanced" Tab
6- in the first Box named "Performance, click on "Settings"
7- select from the options "Adjust for best performance"

And your are done, You will see that your computer will take seconds to load and the apperance settings will be reduced to very basic appearance settings that consumes low memory and processing.
You will lose some graphic animations and earn better performnce :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Keep your History Clean?? automatically clean your web browsing and file browsing Histories on your computer

Hi All,

Are you using a shared PC or laptop?
Are you suffering from sticky people that used to borrow your laptop:).
Are you keen to be untraceable in case of sudden inspection?

Those Instructions will help:

In Internet Explorer:
1 Launch Internet Explorer.
2 Click the "Tools" menu at the top of the window and select "Internet Options.
3 Look under "Browsing History" on the "General" tab, and you'll see a box next to the words "Delete              browsing history on exit." If this box does not have a check in it, click the box to place one there.
4 Click the "Apply" button. Explorer will now purge the history every time the window is closed.

In Firefox
1 Launch Firefox.
2 Click the "Tools" menu at the top of the window; then select "Options."
3 Click the "Privacy" tab; then look at the bottom of the tab for a box next to the words "Always clear my         private data when I close Firefox." If there is not a check mark in this box, click it to place one there.
4 Close the Options window.

In Safari
1 Launch Safari.
2 Click the "Safari" menu at the top-left corner of the screen and select "Preferences."
3 In the "General" tab, click the drop-down menu next to the words "Clear history" and select the interval at       which you would like the browsing history to be automatically deleted.
4 Close the Preferences window.

That makes your INTERNET browsing clean!!

Now about your files browsing??
1 Right click on the task bar
2 select Properties
3 click on "start menu" tab
4 in the Privacy Box: un-check the box beside "store and display recently opened items ...."
And Enjoy Being UN traceable :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

تعديل خيارات الترجمة العربية أصلاح تشغيل الترجمة العربية فى برنامج GOM Player

هل تستخدمون برنامج
 GOM Player
 لتشغيل ملفات الفيديو و الافلام؟؟

هلى تعرضتم لمشكلة ان هذا البرنامج يعرض الترجمة للغة العربية معكوسة؟
تعالوا معا نقرأ الحل لهذه المشكلة البسيطة
أولا لا بد من تنزيل احدث نسخة من برنامج
GOM Player
من هنا
ثم بعد تنزيل البرنامج و اكمال تثبيته على جهاز الكمبيوتر
نفتح البرنامج من الايقونة على سطح المكتب
و نضغط F5
ستظهر لنا شاشة الخيارات و التفضيلات
نضغط من اليسار على زر
لتظهر لنا خيارات الترجمة على اليمين
بالنظر للاعلى نجد مجموعه من الصفحات Tabs
نختار آخر Tab
و اسمها :  Others
و نعلم على المربع المكتوب بجانبه
"RTL Language Support[Beta]"
و نضغط
و مبروك عليكم تشغيل الترجمة العربية بترتيب الكلامات الصحيح الغير معكوس

Thursday, March 28, 2013

انقطاعات ل ثلاث كابلات بحرية تضعف حركة الاتصالات الدولية فى مصر شاملة خدمة الانترنت

خلال أقل من أسبوع, انقطاعات ل ثلاث كابلات بحرية تضعف حركة الاتصالات الدولية فى مصر شاملة خدمة الانترنت

في سلسلة غير متوقعة للغاية، عانى 2 من الكابلات الرئيسية المارة ب مصر( تى أى نورث واي آى جى) من قطع في البحر المتوسط ​​هذا الأسبوع. الأمر الذي جعل شركة الاتصالات المصرية  تنقل كافة حركة مرور المعلومات من الكابلات المنقطعه الى كابل سى ميوى 4 لاستعادة حركة المرور بما في ذلك المعلومات المنقولة على كابل سيكوم الدولى الذى يستخدم كابل تى اي نورث للمرور عبر البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​.

صباح أمس، قطع آخرغريب حدث ل كابل سي ميوى 4 الذى تم نقل البيترافيك اليه على بعد 750 متر فقط من محطة الانزال البحرى على الشاطىء. مما أثر على كل الترافيك الذى تم انقاذه منذ يومين على هذا الكابل اضافة الى الترافيك الاصلى الذى كان يمر عليه     
وبالتالي فإن التصالات المصرية الدولية بما في ذلك الدخول إلى الإنترنت تعانى من بطء شديد يعانى منها المستخدمين  فى مصر.

أعلنت القوات البحرية المصرية مساء امس انهم أمسكوا 3 صيادين مع سترات للغوص في قارب صغيرفى وقت اكتشاف القطع على الكابل. وهم الآن قيد التحقيق.
بالتوازي مع الرأي الذي يقول الخبراء أن كابل بحري بهذه المنطقة القريبة من المحطة المقصودة لديه درع قوي جدا والتي من الصعب جدا أن تقطع مع الأدوات الأولية مثل الفئوس او القطاعات أو نحو ذلك.

وبالاضافة الى ذلك , الكابل في هذا القرب من الشاطىء يحمل جهد كهربى عالي جدا لتوريده الى  سلسلة من محطات التقوية الصغيرة التى تقع على طول الكابل.

لذلك دعونا ننتظر ونرى ما اذا كان الانقطاعت الثلاث نتيجة لمخطط ام هى فقط عن طريق الصدفة.

ياسر السكرى

3 Submarine cable cuts affecting the Internet Traffic of Egypt!!!

In less than a Week, 3 Submarine cable cuts affecting the Internet Traffic of Egypt!!!

At a very unexpected sequence, 2 Major cables (TE-North, EIG) Suffered from a Cut in the Mediterranean this week. which made the Egyptian telecom company TE move all the moving traffic from the suffering cables to SMW4 Cable Including SEACOM's traffic which is carried over TE-North cable across the Mediterranean to recover the traffic.

Yesterday Morning, Another strange cable cut happened to SeaMeWe4 cable 750 Meters away from the landing station. which affected all the previously recovered traffic from TE-North and EIG, besides the original traffic carried by SMW4.
So the Egyptian International Traffic including the internet access is suffering from slowness and bothering the end users along Egypt.

the Egyptian Marine forces has announced yesterday evening that they caught 3 Fishermen with Diving Suits in a small boat besides the Cut position. and they are under investigation now.
In parallel with the experts opinion that says that the Submarine cable in this near area of the landing station has a very strong Armour which is very difficult to be cut with initial tools like axes or so.

Besides that the cable in that near is carrying very high voltage to supply the chain of repeaters located along the cable length.

So Let's wait and see if the 3 Cut's are planned or Just by accident.

Yasser Elsokkary.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

لماذا نحتاج إلى عمل روت Root في هواتف أندرويد ؟

يوم بعد يوم يزداد عدد مستخدمي الأندرويد الذي يقومون بعمل رووت لأجهزتهم للحصول على العديد من المميزات مثل التقاط لقطات لشاشة الهاتف والمعروف باسم سكرين شوت أو تشغيل الهاتف كراوتر لاسلكي لأصحاب أنظمة أندرويد القديمة أو للحصول على  
وصول أعلى للبرامج الغير متاحة في المنطقة التي يعيشون فيها. وأنا أتذكر جيدا تجربتي الأولى مع الروت في هاتفي
وبالرغم من أن كثير من الرومات المعدلة قد أتاحت العديد من هذه المميزات وأكثر إلا أنها ما زالت تعاني من مشكلة عدم الثبات وبعض المشاكل مع وظائف الهاتف
قبل أن تعرف لماذا تريد عمل رووت لهاتفك ، وكنت تتسائل ما هو الروت أصلا ، فأنصحك 
بقراءة هذا الموضوع

هذا يعيدنا إلى نقطة البداية ، لماذا قد نحتاج إلى عمل رووت لهاتف أندرويد ؟

عمل رووت للهاتف يرفع من أداء الهاتف ويجعله أسرع لأنه سيمكنك عمل إعادة تعيين لملفات الكاش ما يتيح لك مساحة إضافية للذاكرة وبالتالي تحسن ملحوظ في أداء وسرعة الهاتتف ، وكذلك ستتمكن من استخدام البرامج المتاحة بوفرة في سوق برامج الأندرويد والتي تستخدم لرفع كفائة وسرعة الهاتف والتي تشترط عمل رووت للهاتف
ومن أكبر الأسباب التي تدفع مستخدم هاتف أندرويد لديه ذاكرة داخلية صغيرة هي إمكانية نقل البرامج من ذاكرة الهاتف الداخلية إلى ذاكرة الميموري كارد الخارجية.

وكذلك سبب مهم جدا وهو تسجيل فيديو لما تقوم به على الشاشة وهي خاصية تتيحها بعض البرامج على جوجل بلاي إلا أنها أيضا  تشترط أن يكون الهاتف تم عمل رووت له . وكذلك بعض برامج السكرين شوت كما أشرنا سلفا و هى وظيفة مهمة لمن يرغب فى تسجيل فيديوهات شرح للمبتدئين او لمجرد المتعه.

وكذلك سبب آخر إذا كنت من محبي التحديث إلى أيس كريم ساندوتش ولديك هاتف لن يصل له التحديث قريبا فلابد أن تقوم بعمل  رووت لهاتفك لتتمكن من تثبيت أندرويد 4.0 أيس كريم ساندوتش عليه مثلما فعلت انا فى هاتفى لانه ياتى من المصنع مع ويندوز موبايل 6.5.

كثير من الرومات المعدلة تحتاج إلى عمل رووت للهاتف قبل الشروع في تنزيلها على الهاتف ، وهذه الرومات لها مميزات كثيرة حيث تجعل هاتفك وكأنه يبدو جديد تماما، فى شكل القوائم و الايقونات و الوظائف و البرامج و يمكن ان تصل الاضافات الى وظائف لم تكن موجودة اصلا فى الروم الاصلية و وظائف اخرى محسنة بكثير مثل جودة التصوير و صوت السماعة .فتعتبر ميزة أساسية تدفعك لعمل رووت للهاتف

الوصول إلى جوجل بلاي في بلدان أخرى ميزة قوية جدا لأن سياسة جوجل قد تتيح برامج في بلدان ولا تجعلها متاحة في بلدان أخرى ، ولن يمكنك استعمال برامج مهمة و مفيدة إلا وقد تم عمل رووت لهاتفك

أخذ سكرين شوت من هاتفك مباشرة عن طريق جهاز الكمبيوتر باستخدام اى برنامج مجانى لهذا الغرض، لن تتمكن من تنفيذها إلا وهاتفك تم عمل روت له.

إتاحة وصول كامل لملفات النظام قد يضر بجهازك إذا كنت ممن يعبثون كثيرا ودون دراية كاملة بما يعبث به إلا أن المميزات التي تحصل عليها ومع بعض الحرص عند الولوج إلى ملفات النظام قد تفتح لك أفاقا كثيرة جدا تجعلك تستمتع أكثر بهاتفك الأندرويد.

ولكن ينبغى على تحذيركم بشان عمل الرووت للهاتف : لا بد ان تحرصوا على الاتى عند عمل الرووت

تأكد أن بطارية هاتفك ممتلئة أو على الأقل نصف ممتلئة --

تأكد من جودة كابل توصيل يو اس بى الى هاتفك و تأكد من انه لن يتحرك من موضعه اثناء العملية و هذا لضمان وصول المعلوما --
من الكمبيوتر الى الهاتف بدون انقطاع 
تأكد أن الكمبيوتر المستخدم لن يدخل الى وضع ستاند باى أو سلييب اثناء هذه العملية حتى لا ينقطع الاتصال بالهاتف فى منتصف ---عملية الرووت

و الى اللقاء فى موضوع اخر فى خطوات الرووت و تثبيت روم جديدة فى تسلسل سهل و ممتع ان شاء الله

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Enable F11 Option at Lenovo Boot Screen (Lenovo Recovery Partition)

Hi All

First, You need to know that the following steps were tried only on Lenovo Think Pad Edge E420. and that SUCCEEDED. :)
You may try it on any Lenovo Laptop or any other Brand assuming that the vendors follow the same Procedure in using the Recovery Partition.on your responsibility

1- OEM windows 7 Crashed.
2- Laptop can't boot.
3- F11 Option which launches the Lenovo Recovery is Lost from Boot Screen.
4- As usual, you have forgotten to Burn Lenovo recovery on DVDs.
5- the Recovery partition is still healthy and present at your Hard Disk but you can,t use it.

Here is the solution:
after many trials and surfing the web for a solution, I just used my mind and said "what actually the recovery does??" most probably it just takes data from the recovery partition and transfer it again in it's original place replacing the old defected files.

So you will need the following:

1- another Win7 working Laptop.
2- SATA-USB converter.(use IDE-USB if your hard disk is IDE)
3- Some screwdriver to open your Laptop Casing and Get the Hard Disk.
4- 7-Zip installed on the working laptop Here

1- Open your Laptop Case (you may know the MOP by searching )
2- Dis attach your Hard Disk and Take It OUT.
3- Connect your Hard Disk to the SATA Socket of the SATA-USB converter.
4- connect the USB socket to the other Win7 working LAPTOP.
5- see your hard disk being recognized as USB hard disk, all the drives will appear on "My Computer".
6- take a back up for all your important data.
7- open Start Menu, search for the word "Hard", you will see a result called "Create And Format Hard Disk Partitions" thanks to Microsoft, Open that tool.

8- you will see at the lower Left Part "Disc 0" that is most probably the working Laptop's Hard Disk, find your Hard Disk below that, it will be "Disk 1" if no other disks are connected to this LAPTOP.

9- look at your partitions you will find: System   ,   Lenovo Recovery     ,      rest of the hard disk in one partition or multiple partitions if you had partitioned that.

10- the 2 partitions (System   ,    Lenovo Recovery) will be left UN touched for now.
11- for the rest of the partitions, right click, Delete Partition. And repeat that for every partition in your hard disk (Except for System   ,   Lenovo Recovery)

12- after you finish that, you will see 2 partitions, and in between an Unpartitioned space.
13- Right Click on the UN partitioned Space, select "Create Partition", follow the wizard to create NTFS Partition with all defaults, give it any name and any letter.

14- after that you will have 3 final Partitions( System partition  ,    New Primary Empty Partition,   Lenovo Recovery partition)

15- Go to My Computer, You should see the 3 partitions present there, open "Lenovo Recovery" Partition, you will see nothing :) as you have to enable "show hidden files" and dis enable "Hide System protected files" from folder options.
if you don't know how to do that , Ask me in a Comment.

16- in the recovery partition, you will see a folder called "Factory Defaults" open that and you will find some files, find in them 2 Image files with an Extension .wmf they will be the largest 2 files.

17- open the file starting with "Sdrive" with 7-zip, extract all the files to the Directory of  your "System" Partition  replacing any old files.

18- open the file starting with "Cdrive" with 7-zip, extract all the files to the Directory of your new Created Partition  (that shall be the largest partition).

19- after finishing extracting  the 2 images to the 2 partitions successfully, Go to the Last opened tool at step 7 and right click on your System Partition (careful not to select the Working laptop system partition!) and select "mark as active"

20- you are done. Eject the USB connection of your Hard disk, Install it back to your Laptop, Power on, watch it starting your OEM operating system like the first time you powered it on after purchasing.

I will try to add illustrating photos once available.
please comment if the method succeeded with you, add questions if any.

 An Example showing the system Drive

 An Exampe picture showing the 2 partitions when connected to the second Laptop.

Thanks for mentioning the source if you want to copy the thread.

Outlook New Mail Desktop Notification (Apply for all folders)

Hi Guys

Are you an Outlook User!
Are you suffering that new mail desktop alert and sound applys only on new mails inside Inbox
and any new mails going into other folders they come like goasts :)

Here is the Solution:

1- In Outlook: create a new blank rule

- For Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007: Go to Tools -> Rules and Alerts.

- Click "New Rule" to start the Rules Wizard.

2. Customize the new rule

-Select  "Check messages when they arrive"

-Click Next.

-On the Conditions screen, ensure that NO conditions are selected.

-Click Next, and click yes that you understand it will apply to all messages.

-Check the Box beside "display a Desktop Alert", "" action.

-Click Finish to save the rule and close the wizard.

3. Position the rule

Move the new rule to the top of the rule list to ensure it happens before any other rules take action.

You should now get a desktop notification for any message that arrives, in Inbox or any other Folders.


Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E420 Laptop Review, Hardware Test

Hi Guys.

the listed below is a Detailed Hardware Test For Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E420 done by the Lenovo Thnik Vintage Toolbox.

Lenovo ThinkVantage Toolbox Log File

Thursday, February 28, 2013 6:05:28 AM
Overall Result: Passed

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz (CPU:0)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz
32 nm

Max Qualified Speed:
2.30 GHz
Max Turbo Boost Speed:
2.89 GHz
Current Speed:
997.76 MHz
x 10.0 (8 - 23)
Max Turbo Boost Ratio:
x 29
Bus Speed:
99.78 MHz
L1 Instruction Cache:
2 x 32.00 kB
L1 Data Cache:
2 x 32.00 kB
L2 Cache:
2 x 256.00 kB
L3 Cache:
3.00 MB
Core : 0
45 C
Core : 1
46 C
Register Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Level 2 Cache Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Math Register Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
MMX Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
SSE Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
SSE2 Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
SSE3 Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
SSSE3 Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
SSE4.1 Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
SSE4.2 Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Multicore Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
System Memory
Total Physical Memory:
4.00 GB
4096 MB DDR3-SDRAM (1333 MHz)
Memory Size:
4.00 GB
Memory Manufacturer:
Memory Manufacture Date:
Week 25, Year 2011
Memory Part Number:
Memory Serial Number:
Advanced Pattern Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Bit Low Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Bit High Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Nibble Move Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Checkerboard Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Walking One Left Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Walking One Right Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Auxiliary Pattern Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Address Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Modulo20 Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Moving Inversion Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Windows Memory Test
Test Started

Informative Message:
No memory diagnostic results were found in the event log.
Test Finished:
Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
Video Card Chip Type:
Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
Video Card Memory:
1.77 GB
Video Card BIOS:
Intel Video BIOS
Driver Version:, 4-15-2011
Primary Surface Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Fixed Transformation and Lighting Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Model Number:
Serial Number:
Firmware Revision:
465.8 GB
Rotation Rate:
7200 RPM
Cache Size:
16 MB
22 C
Physical Sector Size:
512 B
Logical Sector Size:
512 B
Logical Sector Count:
Supported Standards:
Specification Version:
ATA8-ACS rev 4
Windows7_OS - C:
File System:
Volume Serial Number:
Volume Capacity:
452.87 GB
Volume Free Space:
428.09 GB
Volume Used Space:
24.78 GB
Lenovo_Recovery - Q:
File System:
Volume Serial Number:
Volume Capacity:
11.72 GB
Volume Free Space:
1.64 GB
Volume Used Space:
10.08 GB
SMART Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Targeted Read Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
SMART Short Self Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Random Seek Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Funnel Seek Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Surface Scan Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Surface Scan Test - 2
Test Started

Test Finished:
Divider Time Base:
32.77 kHz
Periodic Interrupt Rate:
Checksum Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Pattern Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
High Definition Audio Controller
PCI Location:
PCI bus 0, device 27, function 0
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 1C10
PCI Location:
PCI bus 0, device 28, function 0
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 2 - 1C12
PCI Location:
PCI bus 0, device 28, function 1
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 3 - 1C14
PCI Location:
PCI bus 0, device 28, function 2
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 4 - 1C16
PCI Location:
PCI bus 0, device 28, function 3
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 8 - 1C1E
PCI Location:
PCI bus 0, device 28, function 7
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
MAC Address:
IP Address:
Gateway IP Address:
Current Speed:
0 bps
Driver Version:
7.37.1229.2010, 12-29-2010
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Ricoh PCIe SDXC/MMC Host Controller
PCI Location:
PCI bus 3, device 0, function 0
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Intel(R) WiFi Link 1000 BGN
MAC Address:
IP Address:
Gateway IP Address:
Current Speed:
54.00 Mbps
Driver Version:, 12-21-2010
PCI Express Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Configuration Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
System Board
RTC Rollover Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
RTC Accuracy Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Device Version:
USB Version:
Driver Version:
6.1.7601.17586, 6-21-2006
USB Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
TouchStrip Fingerprint Sensor
Device Version:
USB Version:
Driver Version:, 8-8-2012
USB Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Device Version:
USB Version:
Driver Version:
6.1.7601.17586, 6-21-2006
USB Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
USB Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished:
Integrated Camera
Ricoh Company Ltd.
Device Version:
USB Version:
Driver Version:
6.1.7601.17586, 6-21-2006
USB Status Test
Test Started

Test Finished: